Sunday 1 July 2012

#10 - Losing my religion

#10 - experience two religious institutions -
So on June 24th, i met up with my co-worker Dave Hiena and his wife, Jeanie and 1+ yr old daughter Elizabeth (Ellie) at the church they attend.  Dave is a practicing christian and attends the Young Nak English Ministry.  It is a Korean He showed me around the church and how involved they are in the community.  At the time, the pastor was preaching about the book of Job.
On the 1st of July, i attended a Shabbat Hukat Service at the First Narayever Congregation in Toronto.  This is a synagogue near Bathurst and Huron Street and apparently is one of the oldest synagogues in the city.  I talked to a woman after the service as she was respecting her mom's one year anniversary of her death.  She explained to me that this was an egalitarian synagogue meaning that both men and women would wear the kippah regardless if they are married or not. It was interesting hearing the prayers in Hebrew...

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