Monday 17 December 2012

The 40 List

The list one more time:

1.  Walk to and from work  - June 28
2.  Sign up to volunteer somewhere - Nov 3
3.  Try to get a random person’s phone number at a bar  - June 15
4.  Buy a brown bag lunch for a homeless person. - Dec 17
5.  Golf Glen Abbey- July 1st
6.  Sign-up to learn to swim - Promises made by Stephanie and Becky
7.  Go to a Minor League Baseball game-july 7- new Hampshire Fishercats
8.  Run 4000 meters (or 4KM)- June 24th
9.  Sailing in Lake Ontario - June 30 with Eleanor
10.  Experience 2 different religious institutions - June 24th (Christian) and July 1st (Synagogue)
11.  Give a random stranger a Hug. - June 15
12.  Bet $40 on a lottery ticket - June 20
13.  Smoke a J. - June 20 - thx Rob and Lisa
14.  Shotgun a beer one last time - June 22 (witness Leanne)
15.  Apologize to someone for something you did long ago - June 4th
16.  Make a Youtube video-july 5
17.  Take a Salsa class/lesson - June 26
18.  Offer directions to a tourist and then take them there -  June 12 with help from Hilda
19.  Have a drink, eat in/out at all the restaurants on Roncy (my ‘hood’) - Aug 31st
20.  Watch 40 year old Virgin one last time in my 30’s - June 8
21.  Write a Will - June 28
22.  Drive my car until the gas runs out and pull over to take a picture where I end up at. - July 5 w/lisa
23.  40 different beers in 40 days - July 9 see comments for list of 40
24.  Walk a dog- July 9th with help from Rachel (sister) and Jenna (niece)
25.  Watch a sunrise - June 21
26. Completely jump in Lake Ontario fully clothed from head to toe. - June 20
27.  Watch 3 movies in a row at a local theatre - June 26
28.  Attend 1 game from each Toronto Blue Jays series at home til July 9th.- july 5
29.  Drive up a mountain- July 9th
30.  See a psychic - June 22
31.  Spend an afternoon at a retirement home. - Dec 9th
32. Write a letter to an the editor about something you care about - Oct 29
33.  Attempt to write a short story or song  - Attempted June 24th
34.  Take care of a gold fish. - June 4th with help from Emily Jasmine Choi
35.  Eating ice cream in front of people exercising (preferably in a weight watchers clinic)- June 14 with Andrew
36.  Taking the subway all the way to Scarborough Town Centre - June 19th
37.  Go to a Bingo hall and play some cards - June 7th with help from Andrew and Lindsay
38.  Mary Brown's Chicken (i've been in Toronto for 9 yrs and still haven't had it) - June 8th
39.  Sing 1 karaoke song.- July 5th Centrefield by John Fogarty (witness Lindsay)
40.  Fly an airplane - June 14 with help from Brian Angus

#4 - Brown Bag

4.  Buy a brown bag lunch for a homeless person.

So today for lunch at around 11AM, I put in a brown bag:

1 - Chicken Wrap with carrots and celery
1 - Bag of Miss Vicks Potato Chips
1 - Bottled water (500ml)

With this bag, i went up Yonge street and delivered it to the first person that asked me for spare change.  It wasn't until i got to just north of queen before i handed the bag away.  This person was probably in her 30's and thanked me very much for the lunch.  My response was 'Enjoy!'

This concludes my 40 list!  Woo hoo!

Sunday 9 December 2012

#31 - Belmont House

31.  Spend an afternoon at a retirement home.

So this afternoon, i volunteered for the retirement home of Belmont House near Rosedale.  It was event from 1:30PM to 4:00PM where all the residents from the west wing came downstairs to have some tea and cookies and listen to Christmas music.  There were people singing Christmas Carols and even a Santa Claus (who one of the residents claimed didn't really have a belly).    
My main job was portering the residents who are on wheel chairs to the downstairs area so they can socialize with other residents and even some with their families as they have some tea and cookies.  At one point i fed one of the residents apple sauce and lemonade.  It was the first time i ever fed a  resident and was sorta unsure how to do it.  A registered nurse came over and helped me out.  She seemed please with the food.
The last two residents i talked to were sisters.  One was 91 while the younger one was 89.  The 91 was more talkative and she told me she had 5 other siblings.  They are sharing a room together.  It was nice seeing them together.

I saw a glimpse as to what the future could look like and it is heartbreaking getting older.  Sometimes i wonder if it is more lucky to pass away before getting to that stage.

Monday 26 November 2012

Mega Quarry Update

It worked!!!  Letter from David Suzuki (well, his foundation:).  Maybe i should be more of an activist...;)

Saturday 3 November 2012

#2 - Food Drive!

2.  Sign up to volunteer somewhere

The Churches on-the-Hill Food Bank was asking for volunteers to distribute flyers for their Annual Neighbourhood Food Drive.  It was stated from 9:30 to 12:30 but completed the flyer distribution just a little after 11:30AM.  Basically, went door to door on a route informing the neighbourhood that we were collecting perishable food items or money donations next week.  With certain exceptions, most were receptive and willing to see what they can give.
Unfortunately, i'll be away on the 10th and could not make the commitment to pick up the donations.  I will, however, return next year if they need me.

Addendum (5Nov12): This evening, I volunteered for just over an hour at the Walmer Road Baptist Food Bank.  Matt was explaining to me what they did there and how they rationed the food.  Each shelf contained an item or a number of items to choose.  Volunteers helped individuals with picking up what food they are allotted to have.  Most were thankful for our help.  Thanks to my friend Becky for suggesting to volunteer for this event so that I can see where the food is going to.

Monday 29 October 2012


32. Write a letter to an the editor about something you care about

The Highland Companies wants to blast a one billion tonne hole into the picturesque countryside of Melancthon Township, 100 kilometres north of Toronto. The project will decimate some of Canada’s finest agricultural land and the headwaters of five major rivers.
The proposed Mega-Quarry would require 20,000 kilograms of explosives each day for the next few decades to dig the 930-hectare pit to a depth of almost 20 stories below the water table.
The company’s proposal also includes a plan to create a farm at the bottom of the pit once the limestone is removed. This would require pumping 600 million litres of water out of the pit every day. Forever.
“Forever” is a long commitment, especially for a company backed by a foreign hedge fund.
Help us protect our prized farmland and precious headwaters by sending a message to your local provincial representative today.
The information above was taken from David Suzuki's website asking people to sign a petition and ask our MPP to see the importance of food and water over profit.  I signed the petition, sent the note to McGuinty Government and 'liked it' on Facebook.  Hopefully, this mega quarry doesn't get the go ahead and we can keep the 8,000 acres as a potato farm. 

Wednesday 11 July 2012

#24 - Porsia!

#24 - Walk a dog - Walked Porsia with Rachel (my sister) and Jenna (my niece).  Porsia is a Portuguese water dog.  Very well behaved and when not walking or running likes to cozy up on the couch like the rest of  us...

#29 - The Hill

#29 - Drive up a mountain - Went to Mt. Washington which is the highest mountain in New England.

#7 - The Old Ball Game

#7 Minor League Baseball - Went to see the New Hamshire Fishercats who are the double A affiliate of the Toronto Blue Jays.

Friday 6 July 2012

Sunday 1 July 2012

#5 - Golf

#5 - Golf Glen Abbey.
Gotta say i was a little disappointed about this one.  It was a fine course, challenging and very well kept.  Just didn't seem like it would fit the normal Green fee of $235 per round (which i paid under half that cost but still very pricey in my book).  The made alot of references to Tiger Woods on how he hit a Birdie, Eagle, Birdie, Eagle on the last 4 holes to make a charge and win the Canadian Open.

#10 - Losing my religion

#10 - experience two religious institutions -
So on June 24th, i met up with my co-worker Dave Hiena and his wife, Jeanie and 1+ yr old daughter Elizabeth (Ellie) at the church they attend.  Dave is a practicing christian and attends the Young Nak English Ministry.  It is a Korean He showed me around the church and how involved they are in the community.  At the time, the pastor was preaching about the book of Job.
On the 1st of July, i attended a Shabbat Hukat Service at the First Narayever Congregation in Toronto.  This is a synagogue near Bathurst and Huron Street and apparently is one of the oldest synagogues in the city.  I talked to a woman after the service as she was respecting her mom's one year anniversary of her death.  She explained to me that this was an egalitarian synagogue meaning that both men and women would wear the kippah regardless if they are married or not. It was interesting hearing the prayers in Hebrew...

Thursday 28 June 2012

#1 - Walking on Sunshine

#1 - Walk to and from Work.  Going to work from high park i took King street.  A dozen street cars passed  and 75 minutes later, I was at work.   Nothing too exciting as i have seen it all before taking the 504 street car on a normal basis.  Just thought of the millions of people that cannot walk and appreciated every step.
Walking home, i decided to take Queen Street which was much more lively.  Renaming it Queer Street W. i guess may be due to the Pride Parade on Sunday or maybe not.  Passed a park that looks like a place alot of people like to chill (see pic below).
Passed the Drake Hotel with a killer patio.  Thinking hitting that patio should be on the list.
Then passed a bunch of Roti restaurants, followed by Ethiopian, followed by Tibetan.  Definitely have to go for those type of foods...someday.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

#17 - Dance Billy! Dance!!!

#17 - Salsa lesson - it was on 427 Bloor street and basically learned 3 moves in 1 hour.  Not enough time to practice it but sorta get the 1-2-3 followed by 5-6-7.  Don't ask where 4 was...:)

#27 - Movies

#27 -watch 3 movies in a row at local theatre.

 Madagascar 3:

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World:

Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter:

All were pretty good.  don't recommend 3 in a row however, it did make the evening fly by!

Saturday 23 June 2012

#30 - The Supernatural!

#30 - See a psychic.  This one came up as i was walking with friend on King street.  She told me to replace #30 which use to be 'kiss a baby' so i saw it as a sign.  My $10 psychic told me that i would live until i'm past 80, would always be in good financial standing however, my love life is sucking...2 out of 3 ain't bad! ;)

Thursday 21 June 2012

#25 - What's the story, morning glory?

#25 - Watch a Sunrise.  After a 2 hr 20 min beach vball night and a few pints after the game, i woke up at 4:45AM this morning and decided to go down the lakeshore and watch the sunrise at 5:37AM on June 21st, 2012 - Summer Solstice.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

#12 - Luck be a lady, tonight!

#12 - $40 worth of lottery tickets...

#36 - The TTC!

#36 - Take subway all the way to Scarborough Town Centre (bonus took the Sheppard line as well via bus 190)

Saturday 16 June 2012

#11 - The Hug

#11 - Givew Random person a hug!  Well here is proof!  Thanks to Steph and Dean for their help on this one!

Friday 15 June 2012

#40 - Da Plane! Da Plane!

#40 - Flying an Airplane...this 1974 Cessna is what i flew over Wasaga, Midland and Penetanguishne.

Thursday 14 June 2012

#35 - Ice cream never tasted so good

#35 Eating ice cream in front of people exercising- Done.  Ice cream was a DRUMSTICK variety...

Saturday 9 June 2012

#20 - The 40-Year-Old Virgin

#20 - 40 Year-Old-Virgin - Classic...enough said.

#38 - Mary Brown's

#38 - Mary Brown's Chicken - alot like Popeye's with potato wedge fries.  it was good but KFC good so can't have too much of this so may be another 9 years before i go back but still was a treat and exactly what i remembered...especially the potato wedge fries...

**not a date place...unless you don't want a second date**

Thursday 7 June 2012

#37 - B-I-N-G-O

#37 - Bingo Hall!  Delta Bingo in St. Clair and Keele.  We bought a little to many cards and i was getting a little lost in all the numbers...note to self, if playing bingo, don't go with the 2nd biggest sheet possible.
no winnings unless you count crossing off #37 a win!
Shirts say - I will call bingo B4 you do; what has 75 balls and keeps the ladies smiling? Bingo; and what happens in Bingo stays in Bingo!.  Thanks A and L for coming out!

Monday 4 June 2012

#34 - take care of Gold fish

So now have 2 goldfish.  My friend Emily came with me to the pet store and so naming them Emily and Jasmine.

Thursday 31 May 2012


Hi All,

Here is a list of 40 tasks in 40 days before i turn 40!  I will post updates as to which ones have been done...

1.  Walk to and from work  - June 28
2.  Sign up to volunteer somewhere - Nov 3
3.  Try to get a random person’s phone number at a bar  - June 15 
4.  Buy a brown bag lunch for a homeless person. - Dec 17
5.  Golf Glen Abbey- July 1st
6.  Sign-up to learn to swim - Promises made by Stephanie and Becky
7.  Go to a Minor League Baseball game-july 7- new Hampshire Fishercats
8.  Run 4000 meters (or 4KM)- June 24th
9.  Sailing in Lake Ontario - June 30 with Eleanor
10.  Experience 2 different religious institutions - June 24th (Christian) and July 1st (Synagogue)
11.  Give a random stranger a Hug. - June 15
12.  Bet $40 on a lottery ticket - June 20
13.  Smoke a J. - June 20 - thx Rob and Lisa
14.  Shotgun a beer one last time - June 22 (witness Leanne)
15.  Apologize to someone for something you did long ago - June 4th
16.  Make a Youtube video-july 5
17.  Take a Salsa class/lesson - June 26
18.  Offer directions to a tourist and then take them there -  June 12 with help from Hilda 
19.  Have a drink, eat in/out at all the restaurants on Roncy (my ‘hood’) - Aug 31st
20.  Watch 40 year old Virgin one last time in my 30’s - June 8
21.  Write a Will - June 28
22.  Drive my car until the gas runs out and pull over to take a picture where I end up at. - July 5 w/lisa
23.  40 different beers in 40 days - July 9 see comments for list of 40
24.  Walk a dog- July 9th with help from Rachel (sister) and Jenna (niece)
25.  Watch a sunrise - June 21
26. Completely jump in Lake Ontario fully clothed from head to toe. - June 20
27.  Watch 3 movies in a row at a local theatre - June 26
28.  Attend 1 game from each Toronto Blue Jays series at home til July 9th.- july 5
29.  Drive up a mountain- July 9th
30.  See a psychic - June 22  
31.  Spend an afternoon at a retirement home. - Dec 9th
32. Write a letter to an the editor about something you care about - Oct 29
33.  Attempt to write a short story or song  - Attempted June 24th
34.  Take care of a gold fish. - June 4th with help from Emily Jasmine Choi
35.  Eating ice cream in front of people exercising (preferably in a weight watchers clinic)- June 14 with Andrew
36.  Taking the subway all the way to Scarborough Town Centre - June 19th
37.  Go to a Bingo hall and play some cards - June 7th with help from Andrew and Lindsay
38.  Mary Brown's Chicken (i've been in Toronto for 9 yrs and still haven't had it) - June 8th
39.  Sing 1 karaoke song.- July 5th Centrefield by John Fogarty (witness Lindsay)
40.  Fly an airplane - June 14 with help from Brian Angus