Monday 26 November 2012

Mega Quarry Update

It worked!!!  Letter from David Suzuki (well, his foundation:).  Maybe i should be more of an activist...;)

Saturday 3 November 2012

#2 - Food Drive!

2.  Sign up to volunteer somewhere

The Churches on-the-Hill Food Bank was asking for volunteers to distribute flyers for their Annual Neighbourhood Food Drive.  It was stated from 9:30 to 12:30 but completed the flyer distribution just a little after 11:30AM.  Basically, went door to door on a route informing the neighbourhood that we were collecting perishable food items or money donations next week.  With certain exceptions, most were receptive and willing to see what they can give.
Unfortunately, i'll be away on the 10th and could not make the commitment to pick up the donations.  I will, however, return next year if they need me.

Addendum (5Nov12): This evening, I volunteered for just over an hour at the Walmer Road Baptist Food Bank.  Matt was explaining to me what they did there and how they rationed the food.  Each shelf contained an item or a number of items to choose.  Volunteers helped individuals with picking up what food they are allotted to have.  Most were thankful for our help.  Thanks to my friend Becky for suggesting to volunteer for this event so that I can see where the food is going to.